Thanks for the excellent and thorough interview. It was a huge eye opener for me, as heretofore I had no understanding of the overall budget process - how it starts and unfolds. One question I wish could have been asked is this: can the budget still be affected after it’s been passed - i.e., is there any way that we can lobby to adjust amendments and get at least some of the “services” that we’re used to re-funded (i.e., get them to dump some of their new pet project funding). I know with the DSA controlled majority it’s unlikely to occur, but I hope there’s at least a technical pathway for it.

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Council members make budget adjustments at their regular meetings all the time. It is worthwhile to communicate to them what you'd like them to change.

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Wow, it's clear Linea not only really understands the budgeting process but can explain it quite well. It's to bad many of her colleagues chose not to listen and learn from her. Clearly there has been a disconnect on the council as to what reduced revenues mean and how it relates to the ability or willingness of a customer or in this case taxpayer to pay.

I think the key word to concentrate on is "necessities" because I think very soon we are going to find out that our idea and the City Council's do not match.

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She drops some great truth bombs near the end. good stuff!

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Very much looking forward to this, but I’m not seeing this button for the transcript. If it’s that thumbnail of the skyline, it’s not popping for me , not in the app anyway. I’ll get to my desktop in a short while for a test there.

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You're right. I only see it when I open the podcast on my computer. It doesn't look as though it appears as an option on the phone app.

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You can delete or save this exchange. But still very much looking forward to the interview.

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